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Pet Care

We care about animals as much as you do. Giving them the necessary nutrition, medical attention and care sure goes a long way.

For a New Puppy

  • Chop any cooked food very finely – NO BONES!
  • Until 3 months of age the puppy should be fed four times daily
  • From 3 to 6 months – three times a day
  • From 6 to 12 months – twice a day
  • Introduce new foods gradually
  • Always prepare and serve food under clean conditions
  • Do not serve hot food – let it cool first
  • Remember milk is not a meal by itself
  • Provide plenty of fresh water and check it several times a day

Commercial puppy chow is a balanced diet, and provides all the minerals and vitamins required by a growing pup. For the very young ones the feed may be moistened.

Vaccinating boosts the immunity of the animal, and is especially important for young puppies, as it provides them with the ability to fight off infection all through adult life. Ideally, the first vaccination should be given at 6 weeks, and subsequently at three-week intervals until 16 weeks of age. At the same time de-worming is recommended at 17-21 days, and then every 3 weeks in conjunction with vaccination.

This condition is spread by the bite of mosquitoes, and can be fatal. All animals should be given regular heartworm protection medication, especially puppies. A blood test is performed by 6 months of age to ensure the animal is clear, the prophylactic is administered, and continued thereafter on a monthly basis. Routine testing should be done at least once a year. Symptoms vary, but common signs are coughing, weight loss, lack of energy, depression and shortness of breath.

Heartworm can be treated, but the treatment is very expensive, and total rest is a MUST for at least four weeks afterwards. There is no guarantee that the animal will stay free of heartworm, and monthly prophylactics should continue to be given. In the long run prevention is better, and cheaper, than cure (J.S.P.C.A.’s prices are very reasonable).

Leptospirosis is a disease caused by spiral shaped bacteria called leptospires. It occurs worldwide and can affect humans as well as many wild and domestic animals, including dogs and cats, although infection in cats is rare).

The bacteria are spread through the urine of infected animals, which can get into water or soil and can survive there for weeks to months. Humans and animals can become infected through contact with this contaminated urine. The bacteria can enter the body through skin, eyes, nose, or mouth, especially if the skin is broken from a cut or scratch. Drinking contaminated water can also cause infection.

If your pet has become infected, it most likely came into contact with rat urine. Your pet may have been drinking, or walking through contaminated water.

The clinical signs of leptospirosis vary and are nonspecific. Sometimes pets do not have any symptoms. Common clinical signs reported in dogs include fever, vomiting, abdominal pain, diarrhea, refusal to eat, severe weakness and depression, stiffness, or severe muscle pain. Generally younger animals are more seriously affected than older animals.

If you suspect your pet is infected, get help immediately. The JSPCA can perform tests to detect the presence of leptospirosis in your pet, and will prescribe antibiotics. The earlier the treatment is begun the better are the chances of full and rapid recovery, and any organ damage may be less severe.

Consult your vet when your pet has an open wound. You’re advised to never use Jeyes fluid or any other disinfectant on your dog’s fur. These are chemicals that burn like acid, and can cause severe injury and intense pain.

On the road an animal is a traffic hazard, and your pet may be injured by a vehicle. Make sure you keep him on your property.

Train your pet with firmness and gentleness, and you will have a loyal protector. Use praise and rewards, not punishments, as your training tools, and never beat or stone an animal, whether yours or anyone else’s. Cruelty is not only morally wrong, it is against the law, and carries penalties!